Generative Jewelry Design with Rhino and Grasshopper

Detalles del evento

Generative Jewelry Design with Rhino and Grasshopper

Hora: febrero 17, 2012 de 11am a 12:30pm
Ubicación: Fashion Institute of Technology - FIT - Room SR9 - D Building
Calle: Seventh Avenue at 27 Street
Ciudad/Pueblo: New York
Página Web o mapa:
Teléfono: 212-217-7999
Tipo de evento: presentation
Organizado por: Dana Buscaglia
Última actividad: Feb 13, 2012

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Descripción del evento

Generative Jewelry Design webinar, Feb 17

You may have seen our recent announcement for the Generative Jewelry Design with Rhino 5.0 (beta) and Grasshopper presentation.  For those unable to get to New York City for the live presentation, we will be broadcasting the session via GoToWebinar.

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Última actividad

Andres publicó una foto
Jun 3
Santiago herrera publicó fotos
May 31
Icono del perfilAndres , Gustavo José Ortiz Athías, Santiago y 4 más se unieron a Rhino3DColombia
May 31
Gustavo José Ortiz Athías publicó fotos
May 30


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